Version 4.10.0
Class CsrfFilter

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CsrfFilter
extends Object
implements Filter

Protect your application from a Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF).

Please see the package overview for important information regarding CSRF attacks, and security in general.

This filter maintains various items needed to protect against CSRF attacks. It acts both as a pre-processor and as a post-processor. The behavior of this class is controlled by detecting two important events:


When a new session is detected (but not necessarily a user login), then this class will do the following : In addition, if a new user login is detected, then this class will do the following :

The above behavior of this class upon user login requires interaction with your database. It's configured in web.xml using two items : FormSourceIdRead and FormSourceIdWrite. These two items are SqlId references. They tell this class which SQL statements to use when reading and writing form-source ids to the database. As usual, these SqlId items must be declared somewhere in your application as public static final fields, and the corresponding SQL statements must appear somewhere in an .sql file.

(Please see these items in the example application for an illustration : web.xml, UserDAO, and csrf.sql.)


If a session is present, then this class will use a custom response wrapper to alter the response: The name of the hidden parameter is taken from FORM_SOURCE_ID_KEY, and the value of that hidden parameter is the random token created during the pre-processing stage.


This class cooperates closely with ApplicationFirewallImpl. It is the firewall which performs the actual test to make sure the POSTed form came from your web app.

Warning Regarding Error Pages

This Filter uses a wrapper for the response. When a Filter wraps the response, the error page customization defined by web.xml will likely not function. (This may be a defect of the Servlet API itself - see section 9.9.3.) That is, when an error occurs when using this Filter, the generic error pages defined by the container may be served, instead of the custom error pages you have configured in web.xml.

This filter will only affect the response if its content-type is text/html or null. It will not affect any other type of response.

Field Summary
          Key for item stored in session scope.
static String FORM_SOURCE_ID_KEY
          Key for item stored in session scope, and also name of hidden request parameter added to POSTed forms.
          Key for item stored in session scope.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addCsrfToken(HttpServletRequest aRequest)
          Add a CSRF token to an existing session that has no user login.
 void destroy()
          This implementation does nothing.
 void doFilter(ServletRequest aRequest, ServletResponse aResponse, FilterChain aChain)
          Protect against CSRF attacks.
 void init(FilterConfig aFilterConfig)
          Read in filter configuration.
Methods inherited from class Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String FORM_SOURCE_ID_KEY
Key for item stored in session scope, and also name of hidden request parameter added to POSTed forms.

Value - "web4j_key_for_form_source_id".

The value of this item is generated randomly for each new user login, and contains a simple token that is hard to guess. Each POSTed form will be required by ApplicationFirewallImpl to include a hidden parameter of this name, and the value of such hidden parameters are matched to the corresponding item stored in session scope under the same key. These checks verify that POSTed forms have come from a trusted source.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PREVIOUS_FORM_SOURCE_ID_KEY
Key for item stored in session scope.

Value - "web4j_key_for_previous_form_source_id".

The value of this item is retrieved from the database for each new user login, and represents the form-source id for the user's immediately preceding session. When a match of form-source id against FORM_SOURCE_ID_KEY fails, then a second match is attempted against this item.

Please see the package description for an explanation of why this is necessary.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String FORM_SOURCE_DAO_KEY
Key for item stored in session scope.

Value - "web4j_key_for_form_source_dao".

This item points to an HttpSessionBindingListener object placed in each new session. When the session ends, that object will be unbound from the session, and will save the user's current form-source id to the database, for future use.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public CsrfFilter()
Method Detail


public void init(FilterConfig aFilterConfig)
Read in filter configuration.

Reads in SqlId references used to read and write the user's form-source id.

See class comment and package-level description for further information.

Specified by:
init in interface Filter


public void destroy()
This implementation does nothing.

Specified by:
destroy in interface Filter


public void doFilter(ServletRequest aRequest,
                     ServletResponse aResponse,
                     FilterChain aChain)
              throws IOException,
Protect against CSRF attacks.

See class comment and package-level description for further information.

Specified by:
doFilter in interface Filter


public void addCsrfToken(HttpServletRequest aRequest)
                  throws ServletException
Add a CSRF token to an existing session that has no user login.

This method is called only when a session created by an Action, instead of the usual login mechanism. See ActionImpl.createSessionAndCsrfToken() for important information.


Version 4.10.0

Copyright Hirondelle Systems. Published October 19, 2013 - User Guide - All Docs.