Fish & Chips Club


Test doubles for mimicking the runtime environment.


Class Summary
FakeConnectionSrc Implementation of ConnectionSource suitable for testing.
FakeDAOBehavior Change the exception behavior of fake DAOs.
FakeRequest Fake implementation of HttpServletRequest, used only for testing outside of the regular runtime environment.
FakeResponse Fake implementation of HttpServletResponse, used only for testing outside of the regular runtime environment.
FakeResponse.Header Holds simple name-value pairs.
FakeServletConfig Fake implementation of ServletConfig, used only for testing outside of the regular runtime environment.
FakeServletContext Fake implementation of ServletContext, used only for testing outside the regular runtime environment.
FakeSession Fake implementation of HttpSession, used only for testing outside of the regular runtime environment.

Enum Summary
FakeDAOBehavior.DbOperation Enumeration of the basic DAO operations.
FakeDAOBehavior.DbOperationResult Enumeration of how a basic DAO operation may succeed or fail.
FakeRequest.HttpMethod Used by factory methods to distinguish between GET and POST requests.

Package Description

Test doubles for mimicking the runtime environment.

Fish & Chips Club

Copyright Hirondelle Systems - Generated 2013Oct19.12.26