Fish & Chips Club


Code Tables for the application.


Class Summary
CodeTableUtil Fetches code tables from the database upon startup.

Enum Summary
CodeTable All code tables used in this application.

Package Description

Code Tables for the application.

The general approach in this implementation is to treat the underlying id (the primary key) of the Code as being most important, and all other items as secondary aliases for the id - the text, short form, and long form. (Some would object to this style, since it makes underlying database identifiers more visible than usually desired. In practice, however, this does not seem to be a significant issue.)


Upon startup, this application's implementation of StartupTasks will call CodeTableUtil.init(ServletContext) to initialize all items related to Code Tables. This same method must also be called if any code table changes content.

HTML Forms

The code tables fetched during startup are referenced directly in HTML forms, as application scope objects, using CodeTable.getTableName() as key. Typically, two aspects of a Code are referenced in a form : one of the code's textual aliases is made visible to the user, while its underlying id is always used as the value actually POSTed during form submission.

Here is an example which references a code table named 'dispositions' :

  <select name="Disposition">
   <c:forEach var="item" items="${dispositions}">
    <option value="${}">${item}</option>

Avoid Double Escaping of Codes

The various translation tags used in multilingual apps always escape special characters as part of their implementation. If the above snippet appears withing a translation tag then it should be changed slightly to :
  <select name="Disposition">
   <c:forEach var="item" items="${dispositions}">
    <option value="${}">${item.text.rawString}</option>

It is easy to forget to perform the above, especially when special characters appear infrequently. This is a pitfall of using the Code class. This pitfall appears only with multilingual apps, and when your codes includes special characters. See EscapeChars.forHTML() for the list of escaped characters.

This will avoid double-escaping of special characters, which is always undesirable.

Model Objects

In Model Objects, the constructor takes a single Id for the code - not the full Code object. Inside the constructor, the Id is 'expanded' into a full Code object, using CodeTable.codeFor(Id, CodeTable).


This style has these consequences :

Fish & Chips Club

Copyright Hirondelle Systems - Generated 2013Oct19.12.26