001    package hirondelle.web4j.database;
003    import java.util.*;
005    import hirondelle.web4j.request.Formats;
006    import hirondelle.web4j.security.SafeText;
007    import hirondelle.web4j.util.Util;
009    /**
010     Utility for producing reports quickly from a <tt>ResultSet</tt>.
012     <P>Most web applications need to produce reports of summary or transaction information.
013     If a Model Object already exists for the given data, then it may be used to fetch and render the data, likely 
014     with {@link Db}.
016     <P>If a Model Object does <em>not</em> already exist for the given report data, then this class may 
017     be used to quickly implement the report, without the need to create a full Model Object. 
019     <P>This class translates each <tt>ResultSet</tt> row into a <tt>Map</tt> of some form. This <tt>Map</tt> is meant not as a 
020     robust Model Object, but rather as a rather dumb data carrier, built only for the purpose of reporting.
021     The <tt>Map</tt> key is always the column name, and the <tt>Map</tt> value takes various forms, according 
022     to how the <tt>ResultSet</tt> is processed :
023     <ul>
024     <li><tt>formatted</tt> - column values are parsed using 
025     {@link ConvertColumn} into <tt>Integer</tt>, <tt>Date</tt>, and so on, and then standard formatting is applied 
026     using {@link Formats#objectToText(Object)}.  (This is the recommended style.)
027     <li><tt>unformatted</tt> - column values are parsed using {@link ConvertColumn} into  
028     <tt>Integer</tt>, <tt>Date</tt>, and so on, but formatting is deferred to the JSP. 
029     <li><tt>raw</tt> - column values are all treated as simple text. To allow for various escaping styles in the view, 
030     the text is actually returned as {@link SafeText}. By default, the text will be properly escaped for presentation 
031     in HTML. If desired, some formatting can be applied directly in the underlying SQL statement itself, using database 
032     formatting functions.
033     </ul>
035     <P>Example of using the <tt>Map</tt> in a JSP. Here, column values are assumed to be already formatted, using 
036     either <tt>raw</tt> or <tt>formatted</tt>:
037    <PRE>
038    {@code
039    <c:forEach var="row" items="${reportMap}" >
040     <tr>
041      <td>${row['Name']}</td>  
042      <td>${row['Visits']}</td>  
043     </tr>
044    </c:forEach>
045      }
046    </PRE>
048     <P>If <tt>unformatted</tt> is used to build the <tt>Map</tt>, then formatting 
049     of the resulting objects must be applied in the JSP. 
051     <h3>Recommended Style</h3>
052     The recommended style is to use <tt>formatted</tt>.
054     <P>If <tt>raw</tt> or <tt>unformatted</tt> is used, then 
055     the question usually arises of where to apply formatting: 
056     <ul>
057     <li>format with database formatting functions - then there will often be much repetition of formatting function calls 
058     across different <tt>SELECT</tt>s. 
059     <li>format in the JSP (usually with JSTL) - be aware that there is often  
060     significant work involved. Not one but three operations can be necessary: a parse operation, 
061     a format operation, and possibly a check-for-null.
062     </ul>
064    <h3><a name="emptyContent"></a>Empty Values</h3>
065     When the <tt>Map</tt> returned by this class has values as text, then any <tt>Strings</tt> which do not satisfy
066     {@link Util#textHasContent(String)} are replaced with the 
067     return value of {@link hirondelle.web4j.request.Formats#getEmptyOrNullText} (which is in 
068     turn configured in <tt>web.xml</tt>). This is a workaround for the fact that most browsers do 
069     not render empty <tt>TD</tt> tags very well when the cell has a border. An alternate
070     (and likely superior) workaround is to set the 
071     <tt><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/tables.html#empty-cells">empty-cells</a></tt> 
072     property of Cascading Style Sheets to <tt>'show'</tt>.
073    */
074    public final class Report {
076      /**
077       Return column values without any processing. 
079       <P>For the returned {@code Map<String, SafeText>} objects, 
080       <ul>
081       <li>key is the column name
082       <li>value is the unprocessed column value, passed to a {@link SafeText}. <tt>SafeText</tt> is 
083       used instead of <tt>String</tt> to allow easy escaping of special characters in the view.
084       </ul> 
086       @param aSqlId identifies the underlying <tt>SELECT</tt> statement
087       @param aCriteria possible <em>dynamic</em> <tt>WHERE</tt> or <tt>ORDER BY</tt> clause. If no dynamic criteria, then 
088       just pass {@link DynamicSql#NONE}. 
089       @param aParams parameters for the <tt>SELECT</tt> statement, in the same order as in the underlying <tt>SELECT</tt> statement
090      */
091      public static List<Map<String, SafeText>> raw(SqlId aSqlId, DynamicSql aCriteria, Object... aParams) throws DAOException {
092        List<Map<String,SafeText>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, SafeText>>();
093        ModelBuilder<Map<String, SafeText>> builder = new ReportBuilder();
094        SqlFetcher fetcher = getFetcher(aSqlId, aCriteria, aParams);
095        fetcher.fetchObjects(builder, result);
096        return result;
097      }
099      /**
100       Return column values after processing into formatted building block objects.
102       <P>For the returned {@code Map<String, SafeText>} objects, 
103       <ul>
104       <li>key is the column name
105       <li>value is the processed column value, as <tt>SafeText</tt>. Column values are first parsed into 
106       building block objects using {@link ConvertColumn}. Then the objects are formatted in a 'standard' 
107       way using the configured {@link Formats}.
108       </ul> 
110       @param aTargetClasses defines the target class for each column. 
111       The order of the classes in the array corresponds one-to-one with the column order of the underlying <tt>ResultSet</tt>. 
112       The size of the array matches the number of columns.
113       Each class in the array must be supported by the configured {@link ConvertColumn}. 
114       @param aLocale <tt>Locale</tt> returned by {@link hirondelle.web4j.request.LocaleSource}
115       @param aTimeZone <tt>TimeZone</tt> returned by {@link hirondelle.web4j.request.TimeZoneSource}
116       @param aSqlId identifies the underlying <tt>SELECT</tt> statement
117       @param aCriteria possible <em>dynamic</em> <tt>WHERE</tt> or <tt>ORDER BY</tt> clause. If no dynamic criteria, then 
118       just pass {@link DynamicSql#NONE}. 
119       @param aParams parameters for the <tt>SELECT</tt> statement, in the same order as in the underlying <tt>SELECT</tt> statement
120      */
121      public static List<Map<String, SafeText>> formatted(Class<?>[] aTargetClasses, Locale aLocale, TimeZone aTimeZone, SqlId aSqlId, DynamicSql aCriteria, Object... aParams) throws DAOException {
122        List<Map<String, SafeText>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, SafeText>>();
123        //any date columns must be formatted in a Locale-sensitive manner
124        Formats formats = new Formats(aLocale, aTimeZone);
125        ModelBuilder<Map<String, SafeText>> builder = new ReportBuilder(aTargetClasses, formats); 
126        SqlFetcher fetcher = getFetcher(aSqlId, aCriteria, aParams);
127        fetcher.fetchObjects(builder, result);
128        return result;
129      }
131      /**
132       Return column values as unformatted building block objects.
134       <P>For the returned {@code Map<String, Object>} objects, 
135       <ul>
136       <li>key is the column name
137       <li>value is the processed column value, parsed into a building block Object using {@link ConvertColumn}. 
138       </ul> 
140       @param aTargetClasses defines the target class for each column. 
141       The order of the classes in the array corresponds one-to-one with the column order of the underlying <tt>ResultSet</tt>. 
142       The size of the array matches the number of columns.
143       Each class in the array must be supported by the configured {@link ConvertColumn}. 
144       @param aSqlId identifies the underlying <tt>SELECT</tt> statement
145       @param aCriteria possible <em>dynamic</em> <tt>WHERE</tt> or <tt>ORDER BY</tt> clause. If no dynamic criteria, then 
146       just pass {@link DynamicSql#NONE}. 
147       @param aParams parameters for the <tt>SELECT</tt> statement, in the same order as in the underlying <tt>SELECT</tt> statement
148      */
149      public static List<Map<String, Object>> unformatted(Class<?>[] aTargetClasses, SqlId aSqlId, DynamicSql aCriteria, Object... aParams) throws DAOException {
150        List<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
151        ModelBuilder<Map<String, Object>> builder = new ReportBuilderUnformatted(aTargetClasses); 
152        SqlFetcher fetcher = getFetcher(aSqlId, aCriteria, aParams);
153        fetcher.fetchObjects(builder, result);
154        return result;
155      }
157      // PRIVATE //
159      private Report(){
160        //empty - prevent construction by caller
161      }
163      private static SqlFetcher getFetcher(SqlId aSqlId, DynamicSql aCriteria, Object[] aParams) throws DAOException {
164        SqlFetcher result = null;
165        if( DynamicSql.NONE == aCriteria ) {
166          result = SqlFetcher.forSingleOp(aSqlId, aParams);
167        }
168        else {
169          result = SqlFetcher.forSearch(aSqlId, aCriteria, aParams);
170        }
171        return result;
172      }
173    }